Why our members are concerned:

Many members are very concerned about the health dangers to themselves and their families from additives, pesticide residues, food processing techniques and animal feeds.  When we began, such concerns were considered to be cranky and eccentric, but times have changed and there is now a growing awareness of the hidden dangers.

Why, for instance, should agroup of pesticides be considered "approved" and perfectly safe one day, but banned the next? Sometimes it's just the bureaucracy of getting the approval (Ammonium sulphamate) through the EU but not always! We are told commercial spraying is safe but think of this: Commercial growers are only allowed to spray their crops whilst all safe in their tractor cabs with respirators, overalls, gloves, goggles whilst the overspray drifts in the wind onto our adjacent properties, livestock and people! And why should UK growers be freely allowed to use chemicals which are considered hazardous and illegal in other countries? Residues may only persist in tiny amounts (though often above the EU permitted limits, as many tests have shown), but just think ... no "minimum quantity" has ever been established for carcinogens.

And many who would be happy to eat meat and eggs if they were produced under humane conditions are put off by the way in which these animals are reared, transported and slaughtered. Then there's the matter of genetically modified food, and the illogical system of food distribution which favours massive producers to the disadvantage of the local grower.

Because of these understandable doubts, our members play safe by producing as much of their family's food as possible, and producing it in as natural a manner as they can. Especially since it tastes so much better! This includes vegetables, fruit and herbs in the case of most members, and chickens for many others.  Some even keep their own sheep or goats, bees, or even pigs or cattle, and a visiting licensed slaughterer avoids the stress of travel to a far-distant abattoir. We can also advise on such matters as visiting sheep-shearers and dipping facilities.

Photo above: a trug of assorted organic vegetables from our President's garden.