EHSS has its own Facebook page. Or try the Yahoo Groups Self Sufficiency group.


Tuppenny Barn Sustainable education centre near Emsworth. "At the heart of Tuppenny Barn’s approach is the promotion of sustainable living in all its forms. This underpins all that we do and our aspiration is to be a beacon of sustainability for the community we serve. We are passionate about food and knowing where our food comes from. At Tuppenny we grow our fruit and vegetables the organic way because it’s better for our health and our planet as it works with nature not against it. At Tuppenny Barn our mission is to provide learning experiances to all ages on organic growing, healthy eating and cooking, biodiversity, and countryside skills."

Sylva Foundation Helping Trees and People live together. You can help by simply taking part in one of their specific surveys on a tree disease or pest (Ash Dieback, Horse Chestnut leaf miner, pear rust, oak jewel beetle, etc). ~ OR ~ If you have a favourite tree you can add it here - can be on private or public access land. Part of the Sylva organisation.

Tools and Trades History Society (TATHS) was founded in 1983 to further the knowledge and understanding of hand tools and the trades and people that used them. They have a lovely building at the Amberley Museum where they display a range of tools and welcome people visiting them to look and ask questions.

Rosemary Cottage Clinic Afifah Hamilton MNIMH - Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist and GAPS Practitioner
A Chichester lady who as well as having her own practice also gives talks to local societies like the EHSS and the Food and Health Group who meet at the Bassil Shippam Centre, Chichester.

Henry Doubleday Research Association, who run the National Organic Gardening Centre at Ryton, near Coventry. The HDRA are the biggest organisation in Britain devoted to promoting organic gardening and offer many helpful services.

Compassion in World Farming - probably don't need an introduction most people but their main belief is that animals should not be reared in factory farms. Very topical website - currently with lots of upto date articles on Swine Flu. They have a history of being active against massive factory farms and in 2005, Compassion in World Farming filmed at such farms in Poland, which was owned by US giant, Smithfield who currently operate in Mexico as well.

Humane Slaughter Association works exclusively towards the highest worldwide standards of welfare for food animals during transport, marketing and slaughter. Produces a number of freely downloadable leaflets.

The Greening Campaign Petersfield was the first to join the "Greening-Campaign" back in 2007 and it is now entering phase 2. Find out more on the organisations web pages.

Composting or Composting is essential to the health of one's soil and this is a very good site on the topic that's worth reading.

The Wildlife Trusts find your local wildlife trust branch (Hants & IOW, Surrey, or Sussex) and the history of the trusts.

WWOOF or Willing Workers on Organic Farms provides the opportunity for those living in towns, or anyone wishing to gain hands-on experience of organic farming and growing, to spend a free weekend on an organic smallholding.

Enviroweb with its Envirolink information about environmental issues and education.

AirACES Monthly Aviation Talks held in Chichester Park Hotel on 4th Monday of month.

Campus Computer shop for students and public at Surrey University.

Hampshire Beekeepers' Association

Chichester Beekeepers' Association

Petersfield & District Beekeepers' Association

EHSS has its own Facebook page. Or try the Yahoo Groups Self Sufficiency group.